These Easy Air Fryer Brats can be made from fresh or frozen and have that amazing grilled flavor. You will love these because they cook very quickly! I like to add onions and beer for a little flavor, but feel free to use your own favorite flavors and pairing.
Line the air fryer basket with air fryer parchment paper. Air fryer parchment paper will soak up the grease and prevent the air fryer from smoking. Place the brats on top of the paper. It's ok for the brats to touch.
Cook for 10-12 minutes on 370 degrees. Ensure the brats reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees. Use a meat thermometer. You can also flip halfway through. I did not.
Cool before serving.
No you can't use standard parchment paper. The paper needs to be breathable.If you want to cook your brats in onions, I recommend using this air fryer cake panto hold the onions and brats and cook them both at the same time.I use about ½ cup chopped onions drizzled in 2 tablespoons of beer. Add the onions and beer to the bottom of the air fryer cake pan. Place the brats on top. Air fry according the instructions above.